WFP Case Study 

Blockchain Traceability Platform for Smallholder Farmers

Project Overview:

Decapolis is an innovative blockchain-based food safety and quality traceability platform developed in collaboration with the WFP Jordan Innovation Hub. The platform empowers smallholder farmers in Jordan to validate their products’ compliance with quality control standards, thereby enabling them to access export markets and generate better income opportunities.

The Problem:

Smallholder farmers in Jordan face numerous challenges, including limited resources, scarce water supply, energy deficits, and limited agricultural land. These challenges, coupled with a lack of awareness of agricultural best practices and food safety standards, result in ineffective farming techniques and low-quality yields. Moreover, structural deficiencies in markets and supply chains further restrict farmers' access to markets, leading to financial instability and reliance on food assistance programs.

The Solution:

In November 2020, the WFP Jordan Innovation Hub launched a pilot project with Decapolis to address these challenges. Decapolis employs blockchain technology to track food products from the farm to the retail shop, ensuring transparency and trust in the supply chain. Smallholder farmers are trained in agricultural best practices, and their products' compliance with local and international standards is validated using the Decapolis platform.

The Impact:

Since the pilot's launch, 100 smallholder farmers have been onboarded, trained, and are now using the Decapolis platform. The platform has enabled farmers to produce higher-quality crops, access new markets, and improve their livelihoods. By ensuring food safety and quality, Decapolis contributes to the availability of safe and healthy products in local markets while increasing efficiency across production and supply chains.

Impact Report: Decapolis - Empowering Smallholder Farmers

Key Success Metrics:

Impact Report:

1. Increase in Revenue:

Decapolis has successfully facilitated access to new markets for smallholder farmers, enabling them to command premium prices for their produce. By leveraging the traceability platform, farmers have demonstrated compliance with international standards, gaining the trust of buyers and consumers alike. As a result, there has been a remarkable 89% increase in revenue among participating farmers, providing them with greater financial stability and opportunities for growth.

2. Safe Product Compliance:

Through rigorous training programs and adherence to best agricultural practices, smallholder farmers enrolled in Decapolis have achieved exceptional levels of compliance in producing safe food products. By meticulously tracking the journey of each crop from farm to market, Decapolis has ensured that food safety standards are upheld at every stage of the supply chain. As a result, the platform has achieved a remarkable 99.9% compliance rate, instilling confidence in consumers and bolstering the reputation of Jordanian agricultural products in both local and international markets.

3. Waste Reduction:

Decapolis has implemented strategies to minimize food waste along the supply chain, optimizing production processes and improving inventory management practices. Through targeted interventions, such as better post-harvest handling techniques and improved storage facilities, Decapolis has successfully reduced waste by 30%. This reduction not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also enhances the efficiency and profitability of smallholder farming operations.

4. Increase in Productivity:

By providing training in modern farming techniques and leveraging data-driven insights, Decapolis has empowered smallholder farmers to significantly increase their productivity. Through the adoption of innovative practices and technologies, farmers have achieved a remarkable 40% increase in productivity, allowing them to maximize yields and optimize resource utilization. This boost in productivity has translated into higher incomes for farmers and greater economic prosperity for rural communities.

The Way Forward:

Moving forward, Decapolis aims to significantly expand its impact by onboarding 5,000 smallholder farmers over the next 12 months. This ambitious goal reflects the platform's commitment to reaching a broader community of farmers and driving positive change across the agricultural sector in Jordan. By scaling up its operations, Decapolis will have a far-reaching effect on improving food safety, quality, and market access for smallholder farmers.

The platform will continue to support farmers in adopting sustainable agricultural practices, enhancing crop quality, and meeting international standards. Decapolis will provide comprehensive training programs, technical assistance, and ongoing support to ensure the success of participating farmers. Additionally, the platform will strengthen partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and agricultural cooperatives, to facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration.

As the project expands, Decapolis will leverage data analytics and insights to monitor progress, evaluate impact, and identify areas for improvement. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, the platform will maintain transparency, traceability, and accountability throughout the supply chain. Decapolis remains committed to empowering smallholder farmers, enhancing food security, and fostering economic development in Jordan.

Through continuous innovation and collaboration, Decapolis aims to create a more resilient and sustainable agricultural ecosystem that benefits farmers, consumers, and the wider community. By harnessing the potential of blockchain technology, the platform will continue to drive positive change and unlock new opportunities for smallholder farmers in Jordan and beyond.


Decapolis has made significant strides in empowering smallholder farmers in Jordan, achieving remarkable results across key success metrics. By facilitating access to markets, ensuring compliance with food safety standards, reducing waste, and enhancing productivity, Decapolis has transformed the lives of farmers and strengthened the resilience of the agricultural sector. As Decapolis continues to expand its reach and impact, it remains committed to driving positive change and fostering sustainable development in Jordan's agricultural industry